Maria is a dual qualified (England and Wales, New Zealand) senior in-house lawyer, with over 20 years of post-qualification experience gained both in-house (including blue-chip FTSE100 companies) and in top-ranked teams in leading international law firms.
She is currently a Legal Director at Crescent Petroleum, the first and largest private upstream oil and gas company in the region. Before coming to the Middle East, Maria was a Head of Legal at the Royal Bank of Scotland in the UK, where she led a 37-strong legal team.
Maria is a member of the Board of Directors and Board Secretary for the Association of Corporate Counsel Middle East and North Africa, sits on the Board of the Chief Legal Officers UAE Membership Network at Winmark, is a Non-Executive director in a UK community interest company, and a Trustee for a UK-registered charity. She also holds an Executive Education Certificate in Corporate Governance from INSEAD, sits as an independent arbitrator, and is a CEDR-accredited mediator.
Maria is a purpose- and values-driven leader and a firm believer that DE&I results in more powerful and better decision-making in the workplace and society at large.
Tell us about your career progression to date:
I started off my career as a lawyer in one of New Zealand’s top law firms over 22 years ago, which provided me with excellent training and a solid foundation for my professional life. I was then incredibly fortunate to work for the New Zealand diplomatic corps, which exposed me to the fascinating world of international law, foreign affairs and trade. I will never forget speaking at the WTO representing my country, in front of an assembly of over 180 ambassadors from all over the world, and working directly for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade on key issues on the international agenda. Having caught the “bug” for international law, I then pursued my Masters in Law at the University of Oxford, furthering my desire to practise as an international lawyer in the city of London, which I subsequently did for well over a decade. Once I had children, I made the move in-house and worked as a Head of Legal in one of the largest banks in the UK. Five years ago, my family and I made the move to the UAE, where I started my current position in one of the first and largest privately-held energy companies in the region. I have loved the vast experience that my legal career has given me both in private practice and in-house, as well as in the public service.
Looking back on your career, what are some key moments that have helped or hindered you in getting to where you are?
I think being brave enough to step outside my comfort zone and enjoying a challenge has served me well throughout my career. I have also been lucky to have mentors/sponsors who have been my greatest cheerleaders, nurtured my professional growth and advocated for my advancement. I would encourage everyone to find those individuals who see your talent and potential, and who will back you up throughout your career. As a female lawyer, I have also always been extremely fortunate to have a “tribe” of fellow women lawyers around me who have supported me throughout and acted as a wise sounding board.
How do you balance long hours with your personal life successfully?
It is a constant juggling act! Over the years, I have come to understand that work-life balance can be bit of a myth – sometimes work takes over life, and that’s to be expected in a legal career. However, it’s also about making the most of life outside of work whenever you can, and being clear on your priorities. As a working mum, my focus is to spend as much time as possible outside of work with my family, and squeeze in a little bit of time to nurture the soul, whether that be by spending time with friends or through self-care.
What is the main thing you’ve seen in any organisation that you think works, from a diversity point of view, or that enables women to thrive?
Many organisations have specialised leadership programmes for women, which helps spot early leadership talent and provides women with guided coaching and mentoring throughout their careers. Unconscious bias training for everyone is also really helpful to identify blind spots when it comes to diversity and inclusion. There are also some great organisations who provide wonderful support to women during big life transitions (e.g. coming back from maternity leave, etc).
In your experience, what are the benefits of diverse teams and diverse organisations?
There is now plenty of empirical evidence showing that diversity leads to better decision-making and avoids organisations falling prey to “groupthink” – this also has a positive impact on the organisation’s bottom line, as organisations which make diversity a priority have been proven to outperform their peers. Ultimately, organisations that value diversity and inclusion will have better employee retention, and will also be able to attract more talent (in particular, the younger generations who place absolutely critical importance on diversity and inclusion in choosing their employers).
What do you think the legal industry can do to improve diversity & inclusion?
We need to ensure we continue to build on the great work that has been done to date in this space, and improve on the existing practices. We are already seeing improvements on diversity and inclusion policies regarding gender equality, maternity leave, anti-discrimination, to name a few, but there is always room for improvement across all areas of inclusion.
Is there anything you are doing to help emerging female leaders (within organisations/in general)?
Throughout my career, I have been a mentor to young female lawyers, and have regularly participated in and led female-led networking groups. I am currently a founding member of Playbook (a female focussed leadership programme in the Middle East), am a member of the Eagle Club for female GCs and senior leaders in the UK, and am a member of the Women in Law group in the Middle East. My passion for gender equality dates back to my education in an all-girls secondary school in New Zealand, where we never saw our gender as an obstacle for pursuing our dreams. It is my hope that this philosophy will one day become ubiquitous across society as a whole, and that my daughter and her peers will live in a more equitable and inclusive world.
What advice do you have for young women looking to make a career in your industry now?
Grab every opportunity that comes your way with enthusiasm and dedication; align yourself to people whose leadership style you admire and learn from them whilst seeking to make your own mark in the world; remember to say “yes” to a challenge even if you feel like saying “no”; find yourself a sponsor/mentor who believes in you and will be your greatest cheerleader; and nurture a good sense of humour - it will sustain you through the inevitable challenges during the journey.
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